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*All recipes on this blog (unless otherwise noted) are Martha Stewart's from the Everyday Food Cookbooks here and here, they are not my own. If other than this I will post links to the recipes or indicate that they are originals*

Sunday, May 16, 2010

More BBQing...German Potato Salad

Sorry for the lack of post yesterday.  While I did make banana bread it was not out of either of the cookbooks that relate to this blog and I was unable to get a picture of it before my dog devoured the whole thing...bummer.  I did have a little piece and it was pretty delicious.  I don't make banana bread very often so I tend to forget my dog will do just about anything to get it off the counter...I accidentally left it out and BOOM...GONE!  Oh well, I may tackle another loaf again today.  It's a weight watchers recipe, if I get some pics I just may put it up here for you guys.  Onto other food things, I had another BBQ with our good friends Kate and Dave yesterday.  They have a new place (as earlier mentioned) and I helped Kate with some gardening before we decided a BBQ was a fantastic idea.  I brought this German potato salad (isn't it funny that it tells you to capitalize if that is the actual nationality of the potato salad ...weird side note) and it was different for me but I actually did like it.  I am definitely more of a mayonnaise girl than mustard, so this was a stretch for me.  I ended up toning down the dressing with some sour cream, just because I thought the mustard flavor was quite overwhelming.  That really did the trick.  I also had no bacon, so that was left out of the recipe..I'm sure it would have been amazing with some meat candy.  And lastly instead of using new potatoes I used some russet potatoes that I had leftover from another recipe, which worked fine, but just looks very different from the picture in the book.  Oh well it's not like my recipes ever turn out like the picture in the book anyway.  If you like mustard, I predict you will love this potato salad.  

German Potato Salad
1 1/2 lbs new potatoes
3 slices bacon
1 small red onion, thinly sliced
3 TBS white wine vinegar
3 TBS grainy Dijon mustard
In a large saucepan bring 1in water to boil; add salt and potatoes, and reduce to a simmer.  Cover; cook until potatoes are fork tender, about 25-30 min (less if they are cut up).  Drain.
In a small skillet cook bacon until crisp.  Add onion and cook until tender.  Remove from heat and stir in vinegar and mustard.  Toss bacon mixture with warm potatoes.  Season with S&P.
Logan rating coming soon...
Logan Rating: ***